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Understanding Your Child’s Behaviour

A 10 week parenting group for parents with children aged 0-5. The course covers understanding your child’s feelings, understanding your child’s development, how to respond to your child’s needs, play and having fun together, parenting styles, supporting sleep, managing anger and temper tantrums and how to cope when things go wrong. Focusing on promoting a nurturing and sensitive parent-child relationship, promoting positive communication with parents and children, and establishing healthy routines.

Parents can self-refer or be referred onto the course from a partner agency. A referral form will need to be completed – please contact your local centre for more information. 

Parenting Workshops

One workshop covering different themes including behaviour management, toileting and school readiness, and supporting children with Special Education Needs.

Delivered  in partnership with Children’s Centres and Health Practitioners.

Workshops are bookable only, please contact one of our centres to book your place.

HENRY Programme

Knowsley Early Years Service will be running a new course called the HENRY Programme.  The HENRY programme provides free support for local parents.  The course is aimed at parents/carers of children aged   0-5 years and it will be delivered across Knowsley in various centres.  Each course will run for 9 weeks, the first week being a coffee morning and registration.  The capacity for each course is 12.  Parents can book on themselves, or staff can refer. Please contact your local centre for more information. 

 The aim of the course is to:
Feel more confident as a parent.
educe mealtime stress.
njoy being active as a family more often.
ncourage your child away from screens and TV.
ee your child eat more fruit and vegetables.
ain ideas to help with family routines. 


Speech & Language Support

Sleep Support

What’s On / Timetable

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