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Preconception to Birth

The journey of Preconception to Birth will be filled with emotions, challenges and new experiences, this section will guide you through this journey with support from all our service providers.


The Parenting Offer

Welcome to the World

The five sessions are a relaxed way for parents to think about the transition to parenthood and discuss issues that can be a challenge for every new mother and father.

Triple P Baby

This 4-week group programme gives you practical strategies to create the best environment for your baby’s development –and feel more confident as you begin your parenting journey.

The Online Offer

Understanding pregnancy, labour, birth and your baby

Online course for everyone around the baby: Mums, Dads, Grandparents, friends and relations. Written by Registered Midwives and NHS Professionals.

Understanding your baby

Online course for everyone around the baby: supporting you and the new arrival. Written by Psychologists, Psychotherapists and Health Visitors.

Understanding your child (0-19 yrs) + child with additional needs

Popular online course about being the best parent, grandparent or carer you can be. Award winning with trusted content.

To enrol, click below. Don’t forget to apply the access code ‘bettertogether’ for FREE access!

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