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5 Years and Beyond

This section will guide families to further services we offer for children 5 to 19 (and up to 25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities).

The Parenting Offer

Triple P Parenting

A 5 week course exploring positive parenting strategies for parents of 2-12 year olds

Triple P Teen

Learn how to talk to your teenager, set family rules, explore appropriate boundaries/consequences

Understanding Your Child’s Behaviour

A 10 week course helping parents to tune into their children, develop relationships and build resilience

The Online Offer

Understanding your child (0-19 yrs) + child with additional needs

Popular online course about being the best parent, grandparent or carer you can be. Award winning with trusted content.

Understanding your teenager’s brain (short course)

Find out what happens to the brain in adolescence and how this explains some of the changes you may have noticed in their behaviour.

To enrol, click below. Don’t forget to apply the access code ‘bettertogether’ for FREE access!

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